How can I access eBooks? I'm trying to find eBooks on my topic, but I'm not finding any. Is there a quick way to find eBooks?


Once you have logged into the virtual library ( or, you can find eBooks in a couple of places:

Look on the left of the virtual library page for Research tools.  Under Research tools, click on Supplemental sources.( (a screen capture of the page is below).

On the Supplemental sources page, you'll see eBook Collection and Gale Virtual Reference Library. 

eBook Collection includes every EBSCO eBook the College has.  Gale Virtual Reference Library includes eBooks from Gale-- Look for Gale eBooks.(see below for screen captures of eBook Collection and Gale Virtual Reference Library).

One other suggestion: when you search in the virtual library, you can also filter the results to eBooks.  One last screenshot, "filter results", shows what that looks like.  


  • Last Updated Sep 05, 2023
  • Views 200
  • Answered By Christopher Dale, System Library Manager

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