What is the Virtual Library?


The Virtual library is an online tool (EBSCO discovery service) that allows students, faculty and staff to search a variety of research resources via one user-friendly interface. The resources include scholarly academic journals, eBooks, trade publications, newspapers, reports and audiobooks. The online tool includes web links to all subscribed library resources, tutorials and aggregated contents.

To access the Virtual Library:

1. Log on the college website at www.bryantstratton.edu and click “Student Portal”

2. Click on the College Virtual Library link, or directly log on the web page https://bryantstratton.libguides.com/library (LibGuides Interface), use your college ID to log into the Virtual Library.

To learn more about the library's resources and services, click the the Library Hub.

  • Last Updated Aug 26, 2024
  • Views 733
  • Answered By Julie Zhu, System Librarian

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